Magento is the most popular e-com application and is widely used for millions of online stores. Due to its wide acceptance and popularity, each change in the application invokes high levels of curiosity and confusion to some. The recent upgrade Magento2 is quite effective but creates some confusions as Magento 2 configuration file is a bit different than of previous versions.
Here I am trying to give you some insights about the Magento 2 Â configuration file changes and the corresponding changes in the overall behavior of the application.
Main configuration file change
The configuration file of older versions of Magento which contained the database information, admin URL information, etc.. was located at <magento root>/app/etc/local.xml .
In Magento 2 the similar configuration file is located at <magento root>/app/etc/env.php
root@server [/home/server/public_html/magento2]# cat ./app/etc/env.php
Sorry guys, I am not gonna reveal my configuration file :-)) . Since it is big file , let us focus more into the areas where both of us are more interested.
I assume that you are familiar with Magento application and what is the relevance of “admin_url” . You can identify the admin interface access URL of Magento from the configuration file app/etc/env.php as well
'backend' => array ( 'frontName' => 'admin_mg', ),
The admin url name is specified at the following part. ‘admin_mg’ is the url name, i.e, go to magento_base_url/admin_mg to get the Admin login page.
Here in my case the the URL is
Database Details
The database details are specified at the following part
'db' => array ( 'table_prefix' => '', 'connection' => array ( 'default' => array ( 'host' => 'localhost', 'dbname' => 'server_magento2', 'username' => 'server_mage2', 'password' => 'password', 'active' => '1', ), ), ),
Magento Mode
The current Magento mode is specified in the following part, i.e, production or developer mode.
'MAGE_MODE' => 'production',
Cache Types
The cache types that are currently enabled and disabled are specified here. That is, 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled.
'cache_types' => array ( 'config' => 1, 'layout' => 1, 'block_html' => 1, 'collections' => 1, 'reflection' => 1, 'db_ddl' => 1, 'eav' => 1, 'config_integration' => 1, 'config_integration_api' => 1, 'full_page' => 1, 'translate' => 1, 'config_webservice' => 1, 'compiled_config' => 1, ),
The list of modules that are currently enabled and disabled can be obtained from the file /app/etc/config.php. The 1 denotes enabled modules and 0 denotes disabled modules.
root@server [/home/server/public_html/magento2/bin]# cat ../app/etc/config.php < ?php return array ( 'modules' => array ( 'Magento_Store' => 1, 'Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport' => 1, 'Magento_Directory' => 1, 'Magento_Theme' => 1, 'Magento_Backend' => 1, 'Magento_Backup' => 1, 'Magento_Eav' => 1, 'Magento_Customer' => 1, 'Magento_BundleImportExport' => 1, 'Magento_CacheInvalidate' => 1, 'Magento_AdminNotification' => 1, 'Magento_Indexer' => 1, 'Magento_CmsUrlRewrite' => 1, 'Magento_Config' => 1, 'Magento_ConfigurableImportExport' => 1, 'Magento_Msrp' => 1, 'Magento_Contact' => 1, 'Magento_Cookie' => 1, 'Magento_Cron' => 1, 'Magento_CurrencySymbol' => 1, 'Magento_Bundle' => 1, 'Magento_CustomerImportExport' => 1, 'Magento_Deploy' => 1, 'Magento_Developer' => 1, 'Magento_Dhl' => 1, 'Magento_Usps' => 1, 'Magento_Variable' => 1, 'Magento_Version' => 1, 'Magento_Webapi' => 1, 'Magento_Weee' => 0, 'Magento_CatalogWidget' => 1, 'Magento_Wishlist' => 1, ), );
Thank you for your time ð